Date: July 15 - 16, 2015
Venue: Millennium Hotel London Mayfair, UK
About the Conference
Sentiment analysis has developed as a technology that applies machine learning and makes a rapid assessment of the sentiments expressed in news releases. News (events) move the market and are measured quantitatively. Analysts and investors digest financial news and their perceptions impact the market and move stock prices. The objective of the conference ws to presents the current state of the art in this fast-emerging field.
This was the 5th conference on this topic organized by UNICOM Seminars Ltd. The programme focused on the application of Sentiment Analysis to the respective models of trading, fund management and risk control. Specialists in this domain presented their recent research results, case studies and technology overviews. In particular the topic of Algorithmic Trading was addressed. Special features of this conference were the inclusion of Social Media data (Twitter, blogs, Google Trends, online searches); how trustworthy these are and how they influence market sentiment, sentiment analysis for multiple asset classes.
Session Titles
- Session One: Foundations & Technologies of Sentiment Analysis for Finance
- Session Two: Sentiment Analysis in Asset Allocation & Risk Control for Equities
- Session Three: Social Media, Micro Blogs, Google Trends
- Session Four: Exploiting Global Macros in Oil, Energy, Commodities and Equities
Who attended the 2014 Conference
- Quant teams from hedge funds
- Prop trading desks of investment banks
- Quant teams from investment funds
Gary Kazantsev, Bloomberg; James Cantarella and Elijah DePalma, Thomson Reuters; Armando Gonzalez and Peter Hafez, RavenPack, Gautam Mitra, Xiang Yu and Cristiano Arbex Valle, OptiRisk; Stephen Pulman, Oxford University/TheySay Ltd; Ilya Gorelik, Deltix, Inc; Asher Curtis, Foster Business School; Ashok Banerjee, Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Calcutta; Giuliano De Rossi, Macquarie; Richard Peterson, MarketPsych Data; Dan diBartolomeo, Northfield Information Services, Inc.; Raphael Markellos, Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia; Saeed Amen, the Thalesians; Svetlana Borokova, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/ Dutch Central Bank; Adrian Letchford, Warwick Business School; Rajib Ranjan Borah, iRage Capital
Pre and Post Conference Workshops
- Behavioural Finance: Foundations & recent developments, 13 July
- Market Microstructure Liquidity & Automated Trading, 14 July
- Sentiment Classification & Opinion Mining Using News Wires & Micro Blogs (Twitter), 17 July
Please contact
Conference Fees & Registration
End User Organisations: Standard price after 8 May 2015: GBP 275 + VAT
Vendors & Consultants: Standard price after 8 May 2015: GBP 750 + VAT
Special Promotional Offers
- Handbook Bundle Offer
The Handbook of News analytics in finance (2011) & Handbook of Sentiment Analysis in Finance (2015)
Both of the handbooks together are offered to you at a price of GBP 75 + shipping costs (GBP 16).
- Webinars & Conference Slides
All the webinars and the conference slides from the Behavioural Models & Sentiment Analysis: Applied to Finance Conference at GBP 295 + VAT (@ 20%).
- Behavioural Models & Sentiment Analysis: Applied to Finance – 15th & 16th July
The price per delegate for the Behavioural Models & Sentiment Analysis: Applied to Finance conference is: GBP 275 + VAT (@ 20%). (For All Buyers of Item 1. the discounted delegate price is GBP 195 + VAT (@ 20%))
Event Photos