We found 23 articles by this author...

Jose Carlos Gonzales Tanaka

José Carlos is a Quantitative Researcher at QuantInsti who focuses on algorithmic trading and advanced analytics. He built a setup to trade forex using the Interactive Brokers API.

Directional Change in Trading: Indicators, Python Coding, and HMM Strategies

Uncover hidden trading regimes by exploring the concept of Directional Change in Trading and its indicators. Learn how to capitalize on regime shifts and Directional Change to forecast financial time series with this comprehensive guide....
13 min read

Vector AutoRegression (VAR) models: Implementation in Python and R

Do you want to know how you can use Vector AutoRegression (VaR) to estimate, predict and create a portfolio? Learn to implement VaR in Python, VaR in R, and much more. Plus get downloadable codes!...
13 min read

AutoRegressive Moving Average (ARMA) models: Using R

ARMA models in R is a detailed guide that takes you through the simulations, estimations and plots of ARMA (Autoreggresive moving average) models and how you can code it all using the R programming language....
3 min read

AutoRegressive Moving Average (ARMA) models: Using Python

Your definitive guide to estimating an AutoRegressive Moving Average (ARMA) model, plotting the autocovariance and autocorrelation functions. Learn to create the ARMA model in Python....
5 min read

AutoRegressive Fractionally Integrated Moving Average (ARFIMA) model

New to the ARFIMA model? Take your time series knowledge to the next level. Learn about ARFIMA in Python and ARFIMA in R and how you can improve your strategy performance!...
16 min read

AutoRegressive Moving Average (ARMA) models: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you new to time series analysis Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) models are the first models that you should learn about! Dive into this comprehensive guide to explore all about it....
12 min read

Autocorrelation and Autocovariance: Calculation, Examples, and More

Autocorrelation and Autocovariance are essential in the time series analysis topic! This tutorial will guide you on their definitions, their computations and plotting using Python and R. Read now!...
10 min read

Natural Language Processing in Python using spaCy

spaCy is a powerful Python library for natural language processing. In this guide, we look at tokenisation, named entity recognition, pos tagging, and more using spaCy and Python....
6 min read

Download Futures Data with Yahoo Finance Library in Python

Downloading futures data or downloading historical futures data for use in trading, is a much desired and sought-after process. Take your first steps towards algorithmically trading Futures with this blog....
4 min read

Download Cryptocurrency Data in Python by using Crypto Compare API

Historical crypto data download or using Cryptocompare API, this blog is your complete guide to downloading cryptocurrency data in python using Cryptocompare API....
4 min read