The incredible story of how a 20-year experienced Hedge Fund Manager from Brazil learnt Machine Learning through Quantra to implement it in his trading....
Blockchain is a disruptive technology with the potential to revolutionise many areas. We explore its components, strengths, applications, and challenges....
Can someone become a Quant at the age of 70? Read the inspiring story of retired Mechanical Engineer Efueyo, and how he achieved it....
A hands-on tutorial to Julia programming syntax that explains the basic syntax, operations, data, and more in a detailed step-wise manner....
Remove all the unrealistic expectations with the help of this article and begin your algorithmic trading journey with more confidence....
Mechanical Engineering, Welding Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, and then Algo Trading. Is this change possible? Yes, Data Scientist and EPATian Swarnendu’s story with a Job Placement via EPAT is proof enough....
Answers to the doubts that may be stopping you from moving forward in algorithmic trading....
Can a computer science grad learn Algorithmic Trading? This amazing story of how Srinivas did it would be just the perfect thing that you need to know....
Is Algorithmic trading difficult? Is Algorithmic Trading doable? Learn how algorithmic trading, which may seem like a difficult phenomenon, is actually an interesting process....
David’s ability to juggle multiple roles as a CEO, Algo Trader, and a Professor is quite impressive. Now a proud EPATian, he shares his journey with us....