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Algo Trading & Quant Finance

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Brazil | A Hedge Fund Manager expanding his skills with ML

The incredible story of how a 20-year experienced Hedge Fund Manager from Brazil learnt Machine Learning through Quantra to implement it in his trading....
1 min read

Blockchain Explained

Blockchain is a disruptive technology with the potential to revolutionise many areas. We explore its components, strengths, applications, and challenges....
14 min read

Becoming a Quant at the age of 70 | Efueyo's journey from Spain

Can someone become a Quant at the age of 70? Read the inspiring story of retired Mechanical Engineer Efueyo, and how he achieved it....
1 min read

The brass tacks of Julia programming

A hands-on tutorial to Julia programming syntax that explains the basic syntax, operations, data, and more in a detailed step-wise manner....
10 min read

Algorithmic Trading: Expectations vs. Reality

Remove all the unrealistic expectations with the help of this article and begin your algorithmic trading journey with more confidence....
3 min read

Swarnendu’s ascension from a PhD in Engineering to Algo Trading

Mechanical Engineering, Welding Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, and then Algo Trading. Is this change possible? Yes, Data Scientist and EPATian Swarnendu’s story with a Job Placement via EPAT is proof enough....
5 min read

10 Doubts About Algorithmic Trading You Should Clarify

Answers to the doubts that may be stopping you from moving forward in algorithmic trading....
7 min read

The story of a Computer Science grad who made a career in Algo Trading

Can a computer science grad learn Algorithmic Trading? This amazing story of how Srinivas did it would be just the perfect thing that you need to know....
6 min read

Algorithmic Trading | It's Difficult but Doable

Is Algorithmic trading difficult? Is Algorithmic Trading doable? Learn how algorithmic trading, which may seem like a difficult phenomenon, is actually an interesting process....
7 min read

Professor, CEO and Algo Trader | The many facets of Spain’s David U. Ordiz

David’s ability to juggle multiple roles as a CEO, Algo Trader, and a Professor is quite impressive. Now a proud EPATian, he shares his journey with us....
6 min read