Trading China A-Share Stocks Based On Social Media Data Analysis In Python

4 min read
In this article, we will understand how natural language processing, sentiment analysis and social media play a role in the share markets with the help of Python. This would be explained with respect to the trading in China markets A-share stocks.

This article is the final project submitted by the authors as a part of their coursework in the Executive Programme in Algorithmic Trading (EPAT®) at QuantInsti®. Do check our Projects page and have a look at what our students are building.

About the Author

The author of this blog is Fan Zhang, an Assistant Analyst at Fitch (Bohua) Rating located in Beijing, China. Fan is an Engineer, completing his Master of Financial Engineering from Cornell University.


I have been working as a day trader in China A-shares for 2.5 years and frequently check insights from experts on Weibo (Chinese version of Twitter). Based on my experience, the general consensus from social media is predictive of China A-share stock performance in 2-3 days.

By attending the EPAT programme, I learned a comprehensive understanding of quantifying various trading strategies through intensive projects on real market data. Therefore, I am eager to utilize this final project to research my own trading strategy: the forecasting power of social media for the stock market. So, let’s proceed with the project.


i) Stock data for China A-share equities
Daily equity data includes the date, high, low, open, close, adjusted close and volume. This historical equity data ranges from January 2014 to July 2017.
ii) Social media data
Weibo (the Chinese twitter) can be accessed through API, but the Weibo content retrieved and requesting frequency are limited for free accounts. For example, if one account requests more than ~5000 times in 30 minutes through API, the corresponding Weibo account will be blocked for further access.

Shortlisting IDs

Because of the API requesting limitation and the noise in thousands of not-so-informative public accounts, for this project, twenty Weibo financial IDs were selected based on trading experience.

A strong assumption is that these selected IDs are insightful market players and that the consensus inferred from their tweets will be predictive of future market movements.

The retrieved tweets starting date varies among different IDs. The backtest period is determined as 2016-10-01 to 2017-07-14.


  • Obtain social media data from recognized Weibo financial IDs on each trading day during 00:00-09:30 am.
  • Select four representative sectors that are popularly traded or discussed as potential portfolio constitutes.
  • If one particular sector is favoured by at least 3 experts (Weibo financial IDs), buy leading stocks in this sector. The stocks are equally weighted in the capital in the portfolio.
  • Buy at the open price, hold for one day and sell at the next day’s open.


Sectors in consideration: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Banking, Lithium and Securities. These sectors were chosen because they are frequently discussed sectors and their corresponding keywords are easy to parse using Natural Language Processing techniques, thus avoiding ambiguities in analyzed tweets.

In each sector, only the most five representative and actively-traded equities are bought if the related sector is favoured by Weibo expert consensus.

Chinese Natural Language Parser

Although several Chinese natural language parsers are available, there is no one package is designed for the Chinese financial market. So many financial keywords are not correctly parsed.

For example, the equity “Bank of China (
中国银行)” will be parsed into “China (中国)” and “Bank (银行)”, instead of being recognized as a whole. Such wrong-parsings due to the lack of a financial keyword database create confusion for trading decisions.

Therefore, modifications were made to one public Chinese language parser (HanLP). Chinese financial dictionary was constructed for this project with 4952 financial keywords, including all traded A-share equities and most slangs/jargons used in Weibo tweets.

The modified Chinese financial parser significantly improved parsing performance for trading.

Sentiment Analysis

The sentiment analysis trading is performed through a commercial package: BosonNLP. For each tweet, the sentiments will consist of two scores for positive tendency and negative tendency, respectively; the sum of the two scores will be 1.

For example, the sentiment scores for “This meal is good” are 0.98 and 0.02, which signifies that this statement is strongly positive and the two scores sum to 1.

Strategy Performance

The criterion for a buy consensus is set as at least three Weibo IDs favour one sector on one particular day during 00:00-09:30 am.

There are 188 trading days between 2016-10-01 and 2017-07-14 in the Chinese A-share market. Four trading opportunities were traded: two for AI and two for Securities. Three out of these four trades yields positive PnL.

You can enroll for the sentiment analysis course on Quantra which will help you devise new trading strategies using Twitter, news sentiment data. In this course, you will learn to predict the market trend by quantifying market sentiments.


This strategy achieved a 3.74% return (annualized return 5.14%) and a Sharpe ratio of 0.86. You can check out the complete project along with related files, python codes and examples in the download section below.

If you want to learn various aspects of Algorithmic trading then check out the Executive Programme in Algorithmic Trading (EPAT®). The course covers training modules like Statistics & Econometrics, Financial Computing & Technology, and Algorithmic & Quantitative Trading. EPAT equips you with the required skill sets to build a promising career in algorithmic trading. Enroll now!

Disclaimer: The information in this project is true and complete to the best of our Student’s knowledge. All recommendations are made without guarantee on the part of the student or QuantInsti®. The student and QuantInsti® disclaim any liability in connection with the use of this information. All content provided in this project is for informational purposes only and we do not guarantee that by using the guidance you will derive a certain profit./overseas

List of files in the download:

  • Final project PDF file
  • 3 Python code files for the project

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