We found 10 articles by this author...


PC Hardware Components Simplified

This article is for traders who would like to assemble their own computers for the purpose of setting up an algo trading desk but do not know head or tail about it. The blog gives a basic brief about different computer hardware components....
8 min read

Zuo Zheng | Graduate in Economics from NYU | Investment Analyst

Zuo Zheng is a graduate in Economics from New York University, who learned Quant Trading through QuantInsti courses. He is now an Investment Analyst at Semir Group in China....
3 min read

Trend Testing In Algorithmic Trading

This article is an EPAT project that will guide you about getting an insight into how your strategy would perform by using certain techniques and a couple of tools ie. in short, how to test a trend....
3 min read

Python Data Structures Tutorial

In this tutorial on python data structures, we will look at arrays, lists, tuples, dictionaries and sets. Apart from their uses, we will also go through the different operations that can be performed on these python data structures....
21 min read

Python Data Types and Variables Tutorial

In this tutorial on python data types and variables, we will understand how to use python variables and data types and also how to convert one data type to another....
15 min read

Python Pandas Tutorial: Installation, Series and DataFrame

In this article on Python Pandas, we will see how to install Python Pandas and the Pandas data structures Series as well as DataFrame and their functions...
40 min read

Head And Shoulders Pattern

In this post, we will review the well-known technical analysis pattern called Head and Shoulders and we will analyze the trading rules that will allow us to take advantage of this price configuration to take a position in the market....
7 min read

How Daniel Applied His Statistical Knowledge And Technical Skills To Trading

Daniel’s story demonstrates how anyone can leverage his skills by applying it to different fields like algorithmic trading....
3 min read

Quant Trading Masterclass with Industry Experts


GenAI & Automated Trading Summit
