We found 23 articles by this author...

Jose Carlos Gonzales Tanaka

José Carlos is a Quantitative Researcher at QuantInsti who focuses on algorithmic trading and advanced analytics. He built a setup to trade forex using the Interactive Brokers API.

A novel drift detection algorithm for machine learning in trading

Explore the autoregressive based drift detection method (ADDM) for identifying concept drift and market regime changes in trading. Learn how ADDM enhances ML strategies and supports backtesting in finance....
14 min read

Autoregression: Time Series, Models, Trading, Python and more

The autoregressive (AR) model is a key tool for time series forecasting in trading. This guide covers its formula, calculation, and step-by-step model building, including a Python implementation....
16 min read

The ARTFIMA Model for Trading

Explore the ARTFIMA model for trading, its key parameters, and how to estimate it in R. Learn how to backtest a trading strategy using the ARTFIMA model to assess its effectiveness....
7 min read

The TGAN Algorithm for Trading

Learn about the TGAN algorithm, how it creates synthetic data, and its use in backtesting trading strategies. Explore the benefits, challenges, and applications of TGAN in time-series analysis....
11 min read

A setup to trade forex algorithmically using the Interactive Brokers API

Set up Forex trading using the Interactive Brokers API with Python. Explore a trading setup for intermediate-advanced users and an algorithmic trading platform for beginners to trade Forex with IB API effectively....
6 min read

The Risk-Constrained Kelly Criterion: From the foundations to trading

Learn about the risk-constrained Kelly Criterion to make your trading have less drawdown and better strategy performance!...
6 min read

A time-varying-parameter vector autoregression model with stochastic volatility

Learn about the TVP-VAR model that is being heavily used in macroeconomics. It can give you better results than a basic VAR for trading. Enjoy it!...
15 min read

The Boruta-Shap Algorithm: A CPU and GPU version

Looking for a quicker way to compute the Boruta-Shap algorithm? Don’t miss the opportunity to find it here! Learn how to code it in Python using a brand-independent GPU!...
5 min read

The Triple Barrier Method: A Python GPU-based computation

The triple-barrier method in a couple of seconds? Once you handle huge amounts of data and want to use the triple barrier method, you’ll go All in with this GPU-based code!...
8 min read

Trading using GPU-based RAPIDS Libraries from Nvidia

Spending too much time with CPU-based models? Learn how to run your machine learning algos with the GPU-based RAPIDS libraries from Nvidia! Run a trading strategy quicker, learn here!...
6 min read