We found 36 articles by this author...

Rekhit Pachanekar

Naive Bayes Model: Introduction, Calculation, Strategy, Python Code

In this article, we will understand the Naive Bayes model and how it can be applied in the domain of trading....
6 min read

Why is data cleaning important and how to do it the right way?

This blog is all about answering your data cleaning questions in the simplest form. It will deal with the basic challenges in cleaning data like missing and duplicate data, and provide easy solutions. This will take your data from being raw to being ready for analysis....
14 min read

Fundamental and Sentiment Analysis with Different Data Sources

Exploring different data sources with Python API’s to get data to perform fundamental and sentiment analysis....
7 min read

How to Get Historical Market Data Through Python Stock API

Through Python stock API, learn how to get free and paid python stock historical data for various asset types in this article....
9 min read

Macroeconomics: Introduction, Factors, Policies, Impact on Trading

In this article, we will start with the introduction of macroeconomic factors and policies and how it affects the financial markets....
11 min read

Reinforcement Learning in Trading: Components, Challenges, and More

In this article, we will start with the concept of reinforcement learning and its components. Further, we will look at the learning process of the model and how to apply in trading....
12 min read

Cross Validation in Finance: Purging, Embargoing, Combination

In this blog, we will understand the concept of embargoing and purging and its application in cross validation of financial data...
9 min read

Martingale Trading Strategy: A Brief Guide

A martingale strategy tells us that we should double our bet size after every loss. Read on how it helps in trading, as well as code it in Python. Also learn about anti-martingale....
6 min read

VADER Sentiment Analysis: A Complete Guide, Algo Trading and More

VADER helps us to decode and quantify the emotions contained in media such as text, audio or video. Learn how to implement VADER sentiment analysis in your trading strategy....
9 min read

Python Itertools Tutorial: Installation, Types, Examples

Python itertools is used to implement an iterator in a for loop. Itertools functions such as permutations, combinations, combinations_with_replacement and many more are explained here....
6 min read