Forex & Crypto Trading

Trade in Forex markets and Crypto Currencies using advanced techniques and fast computing. Implementable strategies in Python, R and Excel are shared with step by step guidance.

Top Picks

yfinance library: Download Forex Price Data using Python

How do you use the yfinance library to get forex price data for daily or minute frequency? And that too historical? It is easy, simple, and possible with a few lines of code using yfinance, python, and with the guidance from this article!...
5 min read

Crypto Arbitrage: Overview, Trading Strategies, Opportunities, and More

Cryptocurrency arbitrage is an interesting concept with favourable outcomes but there is more that a trader must know about arbitrage opportunities in the crypto market. Find it all out in this blog....
9 min read

Bitcoin Blockchain: Components, Mining, Inflation and Algo Trading

Bitcoin blockchain has taken over the world by storm. We explore this versatile and pathbreaking technology and explain all that you need to know about the Bitcoin blockchain....
8 min read

Aroon Indicator: How To Use It For Cryptocurrency Trading

This article helps to understand the Aroon Indicator, also known as Aroon Oscillator and how to use it in cryptocurrency trading....
3 min read

Forex & Crypto Trading

Building a Random Forest Regression model for Forex trading using price indicators and a sentiment indicator

This article helps you understand how you can build a machine learning model that could predict the next day’s currency close price based on previous days data....
7 min read

The Journey of Cryptocurrency in India

In this article, you can explore the journey of Cryptocurrency in India starting from a brief overview and then going deeper into the concept....
11 min read

Carry Trade Strategy In Forex

In this blog, we will learn about the Forex Carry Trade Strategy, through various examples and understand the various aspects of the Carry Trade Strategy....
7 min read

Top Cryptocurrency Trading Blogs Of 2018

This blog is a compilation of all the top Cryptocurrency Trading Blogs which are informational for beginners as well as advanced readers....
3 min read

Order Flow Strategy For Crypto Markets [EPAT PROJECT]

This article is an EPAT project which explains two strategies on ETHBTC based on full order flow & market disbalances & how to estimate a strategy performance....
2 min read

Cryptocurrency Wallets - A Beginner’s Guide

This blog explains what Cryptocurrency Wallets are, how to use them, their features, risks involved in using them and lists the most popular Crypto Wallets....
10 min read

9 Factors Affecting Forex Market Trading

In this article on forex market trading, we will list out the factors affecting foreign exchange trading which you can use before you start forex trade....
6 min read

Aroon Indicator: How To Use It For Cryptocurrency Trading

This article helps to understand the Aroon Indicator, also known as Aroon Oscillator and how to use it in cryptocurrency trading....
3 min read

Basics Of Forex Trading For Beginners

This article talks in brief about the basics of forex trading for beginners. Foreign exchange is also known as FX....
8 min read

Getting Started With Cryptocurrency Algorithmic Trading

Let us take you through the journey of Garv Khurana, an EPATian, who is working on a model for an algorithmic trading platform specific to cryptocurrency....
4 min read