Portfolio & Risk Management

From portfolio construction, to analysis, optimization and risk management, learn from market practitioners who share their knowledge and downloadable files for free.

Top Picks

Risk Management in Trading: Everything that you should know

Explore the fundamentals of risk management in trading with our comprehensive guide. Learn essential strategies and tools to navigate financial markets successfully. Master the art of minimising risks for optimal trading outcomes....
15 min read

Performance Metrics, Risk Metrics and Strategy Optimisation: An Overview

Performance metrics, risk metrics and the concept of strategy optimisation - these are the vital components of portfolio risk management. This detailed guide explains it all!...
12 min read

Portfolio Optimization Methods

In this post, we get introduced and glance through the rationale of some popular portfolio construction methods and their implementation in Python....
7 min read

Optimal Portfolio Construction Using Machine Learning

Learn about the Stereoscopic Portfolio Optimization (SPO) framework and how it can be used to improve a quantitative trading strategy. Concepts such as Gaussian Mixture Models, K-Means Clustering, and Random Forests have also been reviewed....
67 min read

Portfolio & Risk Management

Introduction To Portfolio Management

A definitive read about Portfolio Management, this blog serves as an introductory article and your guide. It explains all that you need to know about Portfolio Management like techniques, types, derivatives, and much more....
10 min read

Fama French 5 Factor Model and Its Applications

A robust read about the Fama-French 5 factor model and its applications, as well as the drawbacks and improvements of the Fama-French five-factor model....
5 min read

Introduction To Monte Carlo Analysis

This article talks about Monte Carlo methods, Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and understanding of the “Black-Box” called Monte Carlo Methodologies....
14 min read

Optimal Portfolio Construction Using Machine Learning

Learn about the Stereoscopic Portfolio Optimization (SPO) framework and how it can be used to improve a quantitative trading strategy. Concepts such as Gaussian Mixture Models, K-Means Clustering, and Random Forests have also been reviewed....
67 min read

Using Linear Discriminant Analysis For Quantitative Portfolio Management

This article is about linear discriminant analysis and how it can be used within quantitative portfolio management....
36 min read

Modern Portfolio Management Using Capital Asset Pricing And Fama-French Three Factor Model [EPAT PROJECT]

This article introduces you to the theories & techniques in the Portfolio theory and arriving at the “MyPortfolio” model....
21 min read

Portfolio Optimization Using Monte Carlo Simulation

Learn to optimize your portfolio in Python using Monte Carlo Simulation. This article explains how to assign random weights to your stocks and calculate annual returns along with standard deviation of your portfolio that will allow you to select a portfolio with maximum Sharpe ratio....
6 min read

Multi-Strategy Portfolios: Combining Quantitative Strategies Effectively

Learn how to combine different quantitative strategies to create a multi-strategy portfolio, learn portfolio optimization and the benefits offered....
3 min read