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Algo Trading & Quant Finance

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Options Trading Strategies: 15 Most Popular Strategies

In order to utilise the flexibility and power that options trading brings to the traders, there are some options trading strategies to explore. Find out the most popular options trading strategies with this interesting blog....
8 min read

Hyperparameters: Optimization and Tuning for Machine Learning

For training your machine learning model to the best potential, hyperparameters play an important role. But what are the hyperparameters and how to use them for your machine learning models? Learn the nitty-gritty of using hyperparameters for machine learning models....
7 min read

Paper Trading - Trading using virtual money!

How about trading with virtual money and finding out how your strategy performs without fearing the loss of even a single penny? Find out all about paper trading and the top paper trading platforms with this informative blog....
18 min read

Megan’s journey in achieving goals through learning Algo Trading!

A full-time BSc student from UK’s top 100 universities pursuing algorithmic trading, learning Python and other quantitative approaches. This is Megan Lester’s journey....
2 min read

Charles Lenfest Quantra Journey: A Data Scientist who followed his passion for Trading

Enhancing your trading skills with Systematic Options Trading helped churn Chalres’ passion and ambition. This is his journey of learning via self-paced learning courses and achieving his aspiration of systematic trading....
2 min read

Best Quant websites | An unconventional guide

A curated selection of some of the finest websites for Quants! Gain exposure to some of the highly sought Quant Blogs, Portals, Forums, Communities, and Research papers....
8 min read

Basics Of Options Trading Explained

Options are one of the most popular derivatives that are traded in the stock market. With this blog, you will learn all the characteristics that are important for any beginner before starting options trading....
9 min read

Top 10 Machine Learning Algorithms For Beginners

Machine learning algorithms are used in various fields today such as finance, healthcare, etc. There are some commonly used machine learning algorithms that beginners can use for trading. Let us understand the top 10 machine learning algorithms for beginners with this blog....
14 min read

Applying LightGBM to the Nifty index in Python

LightGBM is an efficient gradient-boosting framework that uses tree-based learning. This blog discusses an improvised version of the algorithm and its use in the Indian stock market....
8 min read

Marketing, Analytics and now Algo Trading | HuanJian Chang’s Journey

HuanJian Chang, a full-time data analyst with 12+ years of work experience and domain knowledge in marketing, is exploring the world of algo trading with EPAT in order to one day set up his own trading desk....
4 min read