Black Scholes Model computes the options price given the Exercise Price, Underlying Stock Price and its Volatility as well as Days to Expiry. We will see the Black Scholes formula, assumptions and Python implementation....
Plotly python library creates interactive diagrams like Scatter plot, line charts, OHLC and Contour charts etc. Installation and python codes are covered here....
Exploratory Data Analysis helps us become familiar with the data we are using to solve the problem statements by using various tools and methods. Today, we look at histograms, scatterplots, box-plots and more in this blog....
Random walk describes a path taken by an object which is seemingly random, or unpredictable. We will see what is a simple random walk and create a simulation for the closing price of a stock....
Short selling is when you borrow and sell a stock which you do not own, making sure you return the stock later by buying at a lower price. Today we talk about its risks and rewards with the help of examples....
In this article, we will try to understand the different types of price-related bars which are used in trading and stock charts...
We will try to understand the principal component analysis and its application in trading. We also understand Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors along with covariance, which is used in Principal Component Analysis....
The article on basic statistics goes through basic concepts such as mean, mode, median, range as well as probability distributions which are used for strategy analysis....
This blog tells us how to calculate and plot the ADX indicator. We will also go through a trading strategy using the ADX indicator in python....
While some people seek knowledge from books & some learn from other’s experience. Lester's is a journey of turning aspirations into achievements....