Moving average is one of the most widely used technical indicators for creating the trading strategy. Explore the popular moving averages and the moving average trading strategies with this blog!...
Raj Mahajan's journey from engineering into the world of finance where QuantInsti’s EPAT course helped him build skills for a career in algorithmic trading....
Algorithmic trading in India has amalgamated finance with cutting-edge technologies and is benefiting from developing regulations and a growing economy. This blog chronicles the past, present and future of algo trading in India and a lot more....
Machine Learning basics, algorithms, concepts and techniques are the talk of the day! Machine Learning has dramatically altered every field. Dive into the basics of machine learning, and learn all about it....
Twitter API v2, getting Twitter data, and using the Tweepy library are all made simple with this blog. Learn how to perform a premium search, rate limits, get local trends and work with Twitter API v2 using the Tweepy Client interface....
spaCy is a powerful Python library for natural language processing. In this guide, we look at tokenisation, named entity recognition, pos tagging, and more using spaCy and Python....
Python’s lambda function makes coding with the functions easy for Python programmers. There are certain ways in which the lambda function can be used while trading algorithmically and this guide discusses just that!...
The pairs trading strategy is one of the most known trading strategies. It is based on a slight anomaly in the price of one of the pairs. With this interesting blog, find out how one takes advantage of such a price anomaly, or let us say the price deviation....
A must-read study involving linear and logistic regression to create trading strategies in order to determine the predictive powers of the two models and comparisons with the benchmark Nifty 50 Index....
Cloud computing in trading is a boon for the financial markets globally. What is the concept of cloud computing and how does it benefit a trader? We explain....